Koska eristetty lasi on hyvä äänieristys, lämmöneristys, energiansäästöön ja muut ominaisuudet, monet liukuovet tehdään eristetty lasi. Ontto lasi liukuovi päivittäinen huolto ovat erittäin tärkeitä.
1. Puhdista ontto lasiovi jonka pehmeällä liinalla vedellä tai neutraalin. Älä käytä tavallista saippuaa, pesuainetta, puhdistamisen jauhe, nestemäinen saippua ja muita vahvoja happoja ja emäksiä puhdistukseen.
2. Käytä hiekkapaperilla, teräsharjalla tai muiden hioma puhdistus käytettyjen, puhdistuksen. Täytyy käyttää puhdasta vettä, erityisesti alueen halkeamia tai likaa, mutta myös hangata pehmeällä kankaalla värjätään alkoholia.
3. säännöllinen puhdistus pitää liukuovi avaaminen ja sulkeminen sileä dia-ura
Valmistuttuaan tahra, kuivaa rub. Älä käytä vettä pesu. Poistaa ulkonäkö hienovarainen naarmuja, dip pehmeällä kankaalla pieni määrä hammastahnaa toistuvasti pesee ja ei vahaus tarvitaan.
Shenzhen Sun Global Glass co ltd ei vain käyttää eristetty lasi tuottaa lasiovi, mutta myös käyttää Silkkipaino karkaistu lasi 8mm - 10mm, himmeä karkaistua 8mm - 10mm, Poista karkaistua 8mm - 10mm kokoaminen lasiovi. Meidän lasi valmistetaan ISO9001-laatustandardin ja on kulunut CE EN12150 turvalasi laatu Euroopan markkinoille.
Lähde www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Como manutenção, porta de correr de vidro de isolamento?
Devido ao vidro isolado tem bom isolamento acústico, isolação térmica, economia de energia e outras características, muitas portas deslizantes são feitas pelo vidro isolado. Para a porta deslizante de vidro oco, a manutenção diária são muito importantes.
1. regularmente Limpe a porta de vidro oco por um pano macio com água ou detergente neutro. Não use sabão comum, pó de descontaminação, sabonete e outros ácido forte e detergente alcalino para limpeza.
2. não use lixa, escova de arame ou outros materiais de limpeza abrasivos utilizados no processo de limpeza. Precisa usar água limpa, especialmente a área com rachaduras ou sujeira, mas também esfregue com um pano macio com álcool.
3. regular limpeza do sulco slide para manter a porta de correr, abertura e fechamento suave
Depois de terminar a mancha, depois seque o busílis. Não use água de limpeza. Erradicar o aparecimento de arranhões sutis, mergulho pano macio em um pequeno número de dentes para esfregar repetidas e nada de depilação é necessário.
Shenzhen Sun Global Glass co ltd não apenas usar vidro isolado para produzir o vidro da porta, mas também uso tela de seda temperado vidro 8mm - 10mm, vidro temperado 8mm - 10mm fosco, limpar o vidro temperado 8mm - 10mm para fabricar o vidro da porta. Nosso vidro são produzidos sob o padrão de qualidade ISO9001 e passaram CE EN12150 vidro de segurança de qualidade para o mercado europeu.
Fonte de www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
1. regularmente Limpe a porta de vidro oco por um pano macio com água ou detergente neutro. Não use sabão comum, pó de descontaminação, sabonete e outros ácido forte e detergente alcalino para limpeza.
2. não use lixa, escova de arame ou outros materiais de limpeza abrasivos utilizados no processo de limpeza. Precisa usar água limpa, especialmente a área com rachaduras ou sujeira, mas também esfregue com um pano macio com álcool.
3. regular limpeza do sulco slide para manter a porta de correr, abertura e fechamento suave
Depois de terminar a mancha, depois seque o busílis. Não use água de limpeza. Erradicar o aparecimento de arranhões sutis, mergulho pano macio em um pequeno número de dentes para esfregar repetidas e nada de depilação é necessário.
Shenzhen Sun Global Glass co ltd não apenas usar vidro isolado para produzir o vidro da porta, mas também uso tela de seda temperado vidro 8mm - 10mm, vidro temperado 8mm - 10mm fosco, limpar o vidro temperado 8mm - 10mm para fabricar o vidro da porta. Nosso vidro são produzidos sob o padrão de qualidade ISO9001 e passaram CE EN12150 vidro de segurança de qualidade para o mercado europeu.
Fonte de www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Jak konserwacja izolacyjne drzwi przesuwne szklane?
Ze względu na szkło zespolone mają dobrej izolacji, izolacja cieplna, oszczędność energii i innych cech, wiele drzwi przesuwne wykonane są przez szkło zespolone. Puste szklane drzwi przesuwnych codzienne czynności są bardzo ważne.
1. regularnie czyścić szkła drzwi przez miękką szmatkę w wodzie lub neutralnego detergentu. Do czyszczenia nie należy używać zwykłego mydła, detergentów, proszek do odkażania, mydło toaletowe i inne mocny kwas i alkalia.
2. nie używać papieru ściernego, szczotki lub inne materiały ścierne czyszczenie, używany w procesie oczyszczania. Trzeba użyć czystej wody, zwłaszcza część z pęknięcia lub brud, ale także zarośla z miękką ściereczką, Witraż z alkoholem.
3. regularne czyszczenie wpustu slajdów utrzymać gładką drzwi przesuwnych, otwieranie i zamykanie
Po zakończeniu plamę, następnie trzeć na sucho. Nie należy używać do czyszczenia wody. Wyeliminowania wygląd subtelne rysy, kąpieli miękką szmatką w niewielkiej liczby Pasta do zębów dla powtarzających się szorowanie i nie woskowanie jest wymagane.
Shenzhen Sun Global Glass co ltd nie tylko używać szkła zespolonego do produkcji drzwi szklane, ale również wykorzystanie sitowym hartowane szkło 8mm - 10mm, matowe szkło hartowane 8mm - 10mm, przezroczyste szkło hartowane 8mm - 10mm do produkcji drzwi szklane. Nasze szkło produkowane są zgodnie z normą jakości ISO9001 i zdały CE EN12150 szkło jakości dla rynku europejskiego.
Źródło www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
1. regularnie czyścić szkła drzwi przez miękką szmatkę w wodzie lub neutralnego detergentu. Do czyszczenia nie należy używać zwykłego mydła, detergentów, proszek do odkażania, mydło toaletowe i inne mocny kwas i alkalia.
2. nie używać papieru ściernego, szczotki lub inne materiały ścierne czyszczenie, używany w procesie oczyszczania. Trzeba użyć czystej wody, zwłaszcza część z pęknięcia lub brud, ale także zarośla z miękką ściereczką, Witraż z alkoholem.
3. regularne czyszczenie wpustu slajdów utrzymać gładką drzwi przesuwnych, otwieranie i zamykanie
Po zakończeniu plamę, następnie trzeć na sucho. Nie należy używać do czyszczenia wody. Wyeliminowania wygląd subtelne rysy, kąpieli miękką szmatką w niewielkiej liczby Pasta do zębów dla powtarzających się szorowanie i nie woskowanie jest wymagane.
Shenzhen Sun Global Glass co ltd nie tylko używać szkła zespolonego do produkcji drzwi szklane, ale również wykorzystanie sitowym hartowane szkło 8mm - 10mm, matowe szkło hartowane 8mm - 10mm, przezroczyste szkło hartowane 8mm - 10mm do produkcji drzwi szklane. Nasze szkło produkowane są zgodnie z normą jakości ISO9001 i zdały CE EN12150 szkło jakości dla rynku europejskiego.
Źródło www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
كيفية الصيانة الكهربائية وزجاج باب جرار؟
بسبب الزجاج معزول عزل الصوت جيدة، والعزل الحراري، والاقتصاد في استهلاك الطاقة والخصائص الأخرى، العديد من انزلاق الأبواب مصنوعة من الزجاج معزول. لباب جرار زجاجية جوفاء، الصيانة اليومية مهمة جداً.
1. بانتظام بتنظيف الباب الزجاج جوفاء بقطعة قماش ناعمة مع الماء أو المنظفات محايدة. عدم استخدام الصابون العادي والمنظفات، ومسحوق إزالة التلوث، وصابون والأخرى حمض قوي وقلوي للتنظيف.
2. لا تستخدم الصنفرة أو فرشاة سلك أو مواد التنظيف الكاشطة الأخرى المستخدمة في عملية التنظيف. تحتاج إلى استخدام المياه النظيفة، وبخاصة منطقة مع الشقوق أو الترابية، ولكن أيضا فرك بقطعة قماش ناعمة ملطخة بالكحول.
3. العادية تنظيف الاخدود الشريحة لإبقاء الباب انزلاق الافتتاح والاختتام السلس
بعد الانتهاء من وصمة عار، ثم الجاف للرب. لا تستخدم تجوب المياه. القضاء على مظهر خدوش خفية، مطلوب من القماش الناعم وتراجع في عدد صغير من معجون الأسنان لتنقية المتكررة ولا الصبح.
شنتشن Sun Global Glass المحدودة ليس فقط استخدام زجاج معزول لإنتاج زجاج الباب، ولكن أيضا استخدام الشاشة الحريرية خفف زجاج 8 مم 10 مم, متجمد الزجاج 8-10 مم, مسح الزجاج 8-10 مم تصنيع زجاج الباب. لدينا الزجاج يتم إنتاجها ضمن معايير الجودة ISO9001 ومرت CE EN12150 الزجاج سلامة الجودة للسوق الأوروبية.
المصدر من www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
メンテナンス ガラスの引き戸を絶縁する方法ですか。
1. 定期的に柔らかい布に水または中性洗剤で中空のガラスのドアをクリーンアップします。洗浄用は、普通の石鹸、洗剤、除染パウダー、化粧石鹸および他の強い酸、アルカリを使用しないでください。
2. サンドペーパー、ワイヤー ブラシや洗浄工程で使用される他の研磨洗浄材を使用しないでください。きれいな水、亀裂や汚れ、特に領域を使用する必要がありますが、柔らかい布でスクラブ染色アルコールも。
3. 定期的なスライドドアの開閉をスムーズに行えるようにするスライド溝のクリーニング
深セン Sun Global Glass (株) だけではなくガラスのドアも使用を生成するのに断熱ガラスを使用します。 シルク スクリーン強化ガラス 8 mm ・ 10 mm, フロスト強化ガラス 8 mm ・ 10 mm, 強化ガラス 8 mm ・ 10 mm をクリアします。 ガラスのドアを製造。私たちのガラスは、ISO9001 品質規格のもとに生産されて、ヨーロッパ向け CE EN12150 安全ガラスの品質に合格しました。
Www.sggglassmanufacturer.com ソース
1. 定期的に柔らかい布に水または中性洗剤で中空のガラスのドアをクリーンアップします。洗浄用は、普通の石鹸、洗剤、除染パウダー、化粧石鹸および他の強い酸、アルカリを使用しないでください。
2. サンドペーパー、ワイヤー ブラシや洗浄工程で使用される他の研磨洗浄材を使用しないでください。きれいな水、亀裂や汚れ、特に領域を使用する必要がありますが、柔らかい布でスクラブ染色アルコールも。
3. 定期的なスライドドアの開閉をスムーズに行えるようにするスライド溝のクリーニング
深セン Sun Global Glass (株) だけではなくガラスのドアも使用を生成するのに断熱ガラスを使用します。 シルク スクリーン強化ガラス 8 mm ・ 10 mm, フロスト強化ガラス 8 mm ・ 10 mm, 強化ガラス 8 mm ・ 10 mm をクリアします。 ガラスのドアを製造。私たちのガラスは、ISO9001 品質規格のもとに生産されて、ヨーロッパ向け CE EN12150 安全ガラスの品質に合格しました。
Www.sggglassmanufacturer.com ソース
Как обслуживание изоляционного стекла раздвижных дверей?
Из-за изоляцией стекла имеют хорошая звукоизоляция, теплоизоляция, энергосбережения и других характеристик, многие раздвижные двери производятся изолированные стекла. Для полых стеклянных раздвижных дверей ежедневное обслуживание очень важно.
1. регулярно очищайте полые стеклянные двери мягкой тканью с водой или нейтральным моющим средством. Не используйте обычные мыла, детергентов, обеззараживающее порошок, мыло и другие сильные кислоты и щелочи для чистки.
2. не используйте наждачную бумагу, проволочной щеткой или другие абразивные моющие средства, используемые в процессе очистки. Необходимо использовать чистую воду, особенно области с трещинами или грязь, но и скраб с мягкой тканью, окрашенных с алкоголем.
3. Обычная очистка слайдов groove для плавного открытия и закрытия ворот
После окончания пятно, затем высушите руб. Не используйте воду чистки. Избежать появления тонких царапин, dip мягкой тканью в небольшом числе зубной пасты для повторяющихся очистки и не воском не требуется.
Шэньчжэнь Sun Global Glass co ltd не только использовать стекло для производства стеклянной двери, но и использование шелкография из закаленного стекла 8 мм - 10 мм, матовое закаленное стекло 8 мм - 10 мм, прозрачное закаленное стекло 8 мм - 10 мм для производства стеклянной двери. Наше стекло производятся по стандарту качества ISO9001 и прошли CE EN12150 стекло качества для Европейского рынка.
Источник www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Come manutenzione isolante porta scorrevole in vetro?
A causa di vetro isolato hanno buon isolamento acustico, isolamento termico, risparmio energetico e altre caratteristiche, molte porte scorrevoli sono fatti di vetro isolante. Per porta scorrevole di vetro cavo, manutenzione quotidiana sono molto importanti.
1. regolarmente pulire la porta di vetro cavo con un panno morbido con acqua o detergente neutro. Non utilizzare sapone, detersivo, polvere di decontaminazione, saponetta e altri forti acido ed alcali per la pulizia.
2. non usare carta vetrata, spazzola metallica o altre sostanze abrasive utilizzate nel processo di pulizia. Bisogno di usare acqua pulita, soprattutto zona con crepe o sporcizia, ma anche strofinare con un panno morbido macchiato con alcool.
3. regolare pulizia della scanalatura della diapositiva per mantenere liscia la porta scorrevole apertura e chiusura
Dopo aver terminato la macchia, poi asciugare rub. Non utilizzare acqua purga. Sradicare l'aspetto dei graffi sottili, il panno morbido tuffo in un piccolo numero di dentifricio per lavaggio ripetuto e niente ceretta è necessario.
Shenzhen Sun Global Glass co. ltd non solo utilizzare vetro isolante per produrre porta in vetro, ma anche uso serigrafia vetro 8mm - 10mm temperato, 8-10mm in vetro temprato serigrafato, chiaro vetro temperato 8mm - 10mm per la fabbricazione di porta di vetro. Il nostro vetro sono prodotte secondo standard di qualità ISO9001 e sono passati CE EN12150 qualità di vetro di sicurezza per il mercato europeo.
Origine da www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Làm thế nào để duy trì cách điện cửa kính trượt?
Do cách điện thủy tinh có tốt cách âm, cách nhiệt, tiết kiệm năng lượng và đặc điểm khác, nhiều cửa trượt được làm bằng thủy tinh cách nhiệt. Đối với cửa trượt bằng kính rỗng, việc duy trì hàng ngày là rất quan trọng.
1. thường xuyên làm sạch cửa kính rỗng bằng một miếng vải mềm với nước hoặc chất tẩy rửa trung tính. Không sử dụng xà phòng bình thường, chất tẩy rửa, khử trùng bột, xà phòng vệ sinh và các axít mạnh khác và kiềm sạch.
2. không sử dụng giấy nhám, Bàn chải dây hoặc mài mòn làm sạch các tài liệu khác được sử dụng trong quá trình làm sạch. Cần phải sử dụng nước sạch, đặc biệt là khu vực với vết nứt hoặc bụi bẩn, nhưng cũng có thể chà với một miếng vải mềm màu với rượu.
3. thường xuyên làm sạch các đường rãnh trượt để giữ cửa mở và đóng cửa trơn
Sau khi kết thúc các vết bẩn, sau đó khô chà. Không sử dụng nước cọ rửa. Xóa bỏ sự xuất hiện của các vết trầy xước tinh tế, nhúng miếng vải mềm trong một lượng nhỏ kem đánh răng cho xử lý lặp đi lặp lại và tẩy lông không cần.
Thâm Quyến Sun Global Glass co ltd không chỉ sử dụng cách điện thủy tinh để sản xuất cửa kính, mà còn sử dụng màn lụa tempered kính 8mm - 10mm, frosted tempered kính 8mm - 10mm, rõ ràng tempered kính 8mm - 10mm sản xuất cửa kính. Kính của chúng tôi được sản xuất theo tiêu chuẩn chất lượng ISO 9001 và đã thông qua chất lượng kính an toàn CE EN12150 cho thị trường châu Âu.
Nguồn từ www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
1. thường xuyên làm sạch cửa kính rỗng bằng một miếng vải mềm với nước hoặc chất tẩy rửa trung tính. Không sử dụng xà phòng bình thường, chất tẩy rửa, khử trùng bột, xà phòng vệ sinh và các axít mạnh khác và kiềm sạch.
2. không sử dụng giấy nhám, Bàn chải dây hoặc mài mòn làm sạch các tài liệu khác được sử dụng trong quá trình làm sạch. Cần phải sử dụng nước sạch, đặc biệt là khu vực với vết nứt hoặc bụi bẩn, nhưng cũng có thể chà với một miếng vải mềm màu với rượu.
3. thường xuyên làm sạch các đường rãnh trượt để giữ cửa mở và đóng cửa trơn
Sau khi kết thúc các vết bẩn, sau đó khô chà. Không sử dụng nước cọ rửa. Xóa bỏ sự xuất hiện của các vết trầy xước tinh tế, nhúng miếng vải mềm trong một lượng nhỏ kem đánh răng cho xử lý lặp đi lặp lại và tẩy lông không cần.
Thâm Quyến Sun Global Glass co ltd không chỉ sử dụng cách điện thủy tinh để sản xuất cửa kính, mà còn sử dụng màn lụa tempered kính 8mm - 10mm, frosted tempered kính 8mm - 10mm, rõ ràng tempered kính 8mm - 10mm sản xuất cửa kính. Kính của chúng tôi được sản xuất theo tiêu chuẩn chất lượng ISO 9001 và đã thông qua chất lượng kính an toàn CE EN12150 cho thị trường châu Âu.
Nguồn từ www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Comment entretien porte coulissante en verre d’isolation?
En raison de vitrage isolant ai bonne isolation acoustique, isolation thermique, économie d’énergie et d’autres caractéristiques, beaucoup de portes coulissantes sont faites de verre isolé. Pour porte coulissante en verre creux, l’entretien quotidien sont très importants.
1. régulièrement nettoyer la porte en verre creux par un chiffon doux avec l’eau ou un détergent neutre. N’utilisez pas de savon ordinaire, détergent, poudre de décontamination, savon de toilette et autres acide fort et alcalin pour le nettoyage.
2. n’utilisez pas de papier de verre, brosse métallique ou autres produits de nettoyage abrasifs utilisés dans le processus de nettoyage. Il faut faire de l’eau potable, particulièrement la zone avec des fissures ou de la saleté, mais aussi les frotter avec un chiffon doux colorés avec de l’alcool.
3. régulier de nettoyage de la rainure de la lame pour garder la porte coulissante, ouverture et fermeture sans heurt
Après avoir terminé la tache, puis séchez rub. Ne pas utiliser de l’eau à récurer. Éliminer l’apparition des rayures subtiles, chiffon doux trempette dans un petit nombre de dentifrice pour le nettoyage répété et aucun cirage est nécessaire.
Shenzhen Sun Global Glass co ltd utilisent non seulement les vitres isolantes pour produire la porte vitrée, mais aussi d’utilisation Sérigraphie verre trempé 8mm - 10mm, givré en verre trempé 8mm - 10mm, verre trempé 8mm - 10mm clair pour la fabrication de porte en verre. Nos verres sont fabriqués selon la norme de qualité ISO9001 et ont passé CE EN12150 qualité de verre de sécurité pour le marché européen.
Source de www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Wie Wartung Isolier Glas-Schiebetür?
Aufgrund von Isolierglas haben, gute Schalldämmung, Wärmedämmung, Energieeinsparung und andere Merkmale, viele Schiebetüren sind mit Isolierglas. Für Hohlglas Schiebetür die tägliche Wartung sind sehr wichtig.
1. regelmäßig reinigen Sie die hohlen Glastür mit einem weichen Tuch mit Wasser oder einem neutralen Reinigungsmittel. Benutzen Sie zum Reinigen keine gewöhnliche Seife, Waschmittel, Dekontamination Pulver, Seife und andere starke Säure und Lauge.
2. verwenden Sie 2. Schleifpapier, Drahtbürste oder andere abrasive Reinigungsmittel verwendet im Reinigungsprozess. Verwenden Sie sauberes Wasser, vor allem Bereich mit Rissen oder Schmutz, aber auch mit einem weichen Tuch gefärbt mit Alkohol schrubben müssen.
3. regelmäßige Reinigung der Folie Nut, die Schiebetür öffnen und Schließen von glatt zu halten
Nach Beendigung des Flecks, dann trocken Sie reiben. Verwenden Sie nicht Wasser zu scheuern. Das Aussehen der feine Kratzer zu beseitigen, weiches Tuch eintauchen in eine kleine Anzahl von Zahnpasta für wiederholte schrubben und kein wachsen ist erforderlich.
Shenzhen Sun Global Glass co ltd nutzen nicht nur Isolierglas, Glastür, sondern auch Verwendung zu produzieren Siebdruck gehärtetes Glas 8mm - 10mm, mattiertes gehärtetes Glas 8mm - 10mm, gehärtetem Klarglas 8mm - 10mm Glastür herzustellen. Unser Glas werden unter ISO 9001 Qualitätsstandard hergestellt und CE EN12150 Sicherheitsglas Qualität für europäischen Markt bestanden haben.
Quelle von www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
¿Cómo mantenimiento aislante puerta deslizante de cristal?
Debido a vidrio aislado tiene buen aislamiento sano, aislamiento de calor, ahorro de energía y otras características, muchas puertas correderas son de vidrio aislado. Para puerta corredera de vidrio hueco, el mantenimiento diario es muy importante.
1 periódicamente Limpie la puerta de vidrio hueco con un paño suave con agua o detergente neutro. No use jabón ordinario, detergente, polvo de descontaminación, jabón de tocador y otros fuerte ácido y del álcali para la limpieza.
1 periódicamente Limpie la puerta de vidrio hueco con un paño suave con agua o detergente neutro. No use jabón ordinario, detergente, polvo de descontaminación, jabón de tocador y otros fuerte ácido y del álcali para la limpieza.
2 no use papel de lija, cepillo de alambre u otros abrasivos usados en el proceso de limpieza. Necesario utilice agua limpia, especialmente el área con grietas o suciedad, pero también frote con un paño suave con alcohol.
3 regular limpieza de la ranura de deslizamiento para mantener la puerta de corredera de apertura y cierre suave
Después de terminar la mancha, luego seco frote. No use agua de fregado. Erradicar la aparición de rayas sutiles, dip paño suave en una pequeña cantidad de crema dental para la limpieza repetida y no depilación es necesario.
Después de terminar la mancha, luego seco frote. No use agua de fregado. Erradicar la aparición de rayas sutiles, dip paño suave en una pequeña cantidad de crema dental para la limpieza repetida y no depilación es necesario.
Shenzhen Sun Global Glass co ltd no sólo utilizar el vidrio aislado para producir la puerta de cristal, pero también uso serigrafía de vidrio 8mm - 10mm templado, mate de vidrio templado 8mm - 10mm, despejar el vidrio templado 8mm - 10mm para la fabricación de puerta de cristal. Nuestro vidrio son producidos bajo norma de calidad ISO9001 y han pasado CE EN12150 calidad de cristal de seguridad para el mercado europeo.
Fuente de www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Miten valita sävylasit ja heijastava lasi?
Sävylasit ja heijastava lasi on samat värit: pronssi, vihreä, harmaa, sininen, joskus vaaleanpunainen ja kulta väri. Molemmat käytetään laajalti ikkunat, ovet ja ulkoseinä. Vakio koko ja paksuus ovat samat. Niin mikä on ero niiden välillä ja miten valita projekteja?
Sävytetty lasi on lämpö imevää lasi, heijastava lasi on lämpöä heijastus lasi. Nimeä kutsutaan, niiden ero on tietysti seuraavasti:
1. pinta - sävytetty lasi on läpinäkyvää lasia. Heijastava lasi on metallioksidia kerros toisella puolella lasia. Sen tällä puolella saamme peilipinta.
2. valon läpäisykyky sävytetty lasi antaa lisää valon rakennukseen
3. lämpöä läpäisykyky heijastava lasi auttoi vähentämään lämmön läpäisykyky, on myös energiaa säästävä lasi
4. värit - sävylasit käytettävissä vain ne tärkeimmät värit, mutta heijastava lasi voi olla tuotettu on-line tai off-line menetelmä. Off-line tekniikka emme voi säätää metallikerroksen monia värejä. Mutta tämä menetelmä metallioksidia kerros ei ole kestävä.
Tietää enemmän yksityiskohtia lasituotteet tai löytää rakennus lasi Koristelasia tavarantoimittajien ja valmistajien, ota yhteyttä: www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Como escolher o vidro matizado e vidro reflexivo?
Vidros fumados e vidro reflexivo tem as mesmas cores: bronze, verde, cinza, azul, às vezes cor-de-rosa e ouro disponível. Ambos são amplamente utilizados para janelas, portas e paredes de cortina. A espessura e tamanho padrão são também os mesmos. Então, qual é a diferença entre eles e como escolhê-los para seus projetos?
Vidro absorvente de calor vidro matizado, vidro reflexivo é vidro de reflexão do calor. Como o nome chamado, sua diferença são, obviamente, como abaixo:
1. superfície - matizado vidro é transparente. Vidro reflexivo tem uma camada de óxido de metal de um lado do vidro. Assim por diante deste lado temos um revestimento do espelho.
2. luz do transmittance-matizado vidro permite mais transmissão da luz dentro do prédio
3. calor transmitância - vidro reflexivo ajudado a reduzir a transmissão de calor, também é uma vidro de poupança de energia
4. cores cor disponível apenas nas cores principais do vidro, mas vidro reflexivo pode ser produzido método on-line ou off-line. Através da técnica de off-line, podemos ajustar a camada metálica de muitas cores. Mas neste método, a camada de óxido de metal não é muito durável.
Para saber mais detalhes de nossos produtos de vidro, ou encontrar fabricantes e fornecedores de vidro decorativo de vidro de construção, entre em contato conosco: www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Jak wybrać przyciemniane szkło i szkło odblaskowe?
Przyciemniane szyby i odblaskowe szklane mają takie same kolory: brąz, zielony, szary, niebieski, czasem kolor różowy i złoty dostępne. Obie z nich są szeroko stosowane do okien, drzwi i fasad. Grubość i rozmiar standardowy są również takie same. Więc jaka jest różnica między nimi i jak wybrać je do swoich projektów?
Przyciemniane szyby jest szkło pochłaniające ciepło, Szkło refleksyjne szkło odbicie ciepła. Jako nazwę wywoływana, ich różnica są oczywiście jak poniżej:
1. powierzchnia - przyciemniane szkło jest szkło przezroczyste. Szkło refleksyjne ma warstwę tlenku metalu po jednej stronie szkła. Więc na tej stronce dostajemy lustrzanym wykończeniem.
2. światło transmitancji-przyciemniane szkła pozwala więcej przepuszczalności światła do budynku
3. ciepło transmitancji - REFLEKSYJNE szkło przyczyniły się do zmniejszenia przepuszczalności ciepła, to także energooszczędny szklanych
4. kolory - przyciemniane szkło dostępne tylko na te główne kolory, ale szkła odblaskowe mogą być produkowane Metoda on-line lub off-line. Za pomocą techniki off-line możemy dostosować warstwą metalu na wiele kolorów. Ale w tej metodzie, warstwy tlenku metalu nie jest bardzo trwały.
Aby dowiedzieć się więcej szczegółów na temat naszych wyrobów ze szkła, lub znalezienie budynku szkło dekoracyjne szkło dostawców i producentów, skontaktuj się z nami: www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
كيفية اختيار الزجاج الملون والزجاج عاكس؟
زجاج ملون والزجاج عاكس لها نفس الألوان: البرونزية، أخضر، رمادي، أزرق، أحياناً اللون الوردي والذهب المتاحة. كل منهما تستخدم على نطاق واسع للنوافذ والأبواب والجدران الستار. سمك وحجم قياسي أيضا هي نفسها. فما هو الفرق بينهما، وكيفية اختيارها للمشاريع الخاصة بك؟
زجاج ملون الزجاج تمتص الحرارة، والزجاج عاكس هو الزجاج انعكاس الحرارة. اسم دعا، على الاختلاف من الواضح أن النحو المبين أدناه:
1-سطح ملون الزجاج من الزجاج الشفاف. زجاج عاكس لها طبقة أكسيد معدن على جانب واحد من الزجاج. ذلك على إنهاء هذا الجانب يمكننا الحصول على نسخة متطابقة.
2-الضوء منافذه ملون الزجاج يسمح أكثر نفاذية الضوء إلى المبنى
3-الحرارة منافذه عاكس الزجاج ساعدت على تقليل نفاذية الحرارة، هو أيضا الطاقة إنقاذ الزجاج
4-الألوان-متوفر فقط على تلك الألوان الرئيسية زجاج ملون، ولكن يمكن الزجاج عاكس المنتجة بطريقة عبر الإنترنت أو دون اتصال. تقنية خارج الشبكة، يمكننا ضبط طبقة معدنية للعديد من الألوان. ولكن في هذه الطريقة، طبقة أكسيد المعدن غير دائم للغاية.
لمعرفة المزيد من التفاصيل من منتجاتنا الزجاج، أو إيجاد بناء الزجاج زخرفة الزجاج الموردين والمصنعين، يرجى الاتصال بنا: www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
着色ガラス 反射ガラスと同じ色: ブロンズ、グリーン、グレー、ブルー ピンクとゴールドの色の利用できます。それらの両方は、windows、ドア、カーテンウォールに活躍しています。また、厚さと標準的なサイズは、同じです。だから、それらとあなたのプロジェクトのそれらを選択する方法の違いとは
1. 表面の着色ガラスは、透明なガラスです。反射ガラスでは、ガラスの片面に金属酸化物の層があります。鏡面仕上げに着く手前をでください。
2. 光透過率 - ティンテッド ガラスにより、建物に光透過率より
3. 熱透過・反射ガラス熱貫流率を減らすことができました、それはまた省エネガラスです。
4 色の彩色ガラスのそれらの主な色でのみ利用可能ですが、反射ガラスは生産のオンラインまたはオフラインの方法をすることができます。オフラインのテクニックでは、多くの色に金属層を調整できます。しかし、この方法では金属酸化け物層が非常に丈夫ではありません。
当社のガラス製品やガラス装飾ガラス サプライヤーとメーカーの建物発見の詳細を知り、こちらからお問い合わせください。 www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Как выбрать тонированные стекла и Светоотражающий стекла?
Тонированное стекло и Светоотражающий стекла цвета: бронза, зеленый, серый, синий, иногда розовый и золотой цвета. Оба они широко используются для окон, дверей и навесных стен. Толщина и стандартного размера являются также то же самое. Так что это разница между ними и как выбрать их для ваших проектов?
Тонированное стекло стекло поглощает тепло, Светоотражающий стекло тепла стекло. Как имя называется, их разница, очевидно, как показано ниже:
1. поверхность - тонированное стекло-прозрачное стекло. Светоотражающий стекло имеет слой окиси металла на одной стороне стекла. Итак, на этой стороне, мы получаем зеркального блеска.
2. легкий коэффициент пропускания-тонированные стекла позволяет больше пропускания света в здание
3. тепло пропускания - Светоотражающий стекло, помогли уменьшить коэффициент пропускания тепла, это также энергосберегающее стекло
4. цвета - тонированные стекла доступны только на этих основных цветов, но Светоотражающий стекло может быть продюссирование метод он-лайн или офф-лайн. Офф-лайн техникой мы можем настроить металлический слой для много цветов. Но в этом методе, слой окиси металла не очень прочный.
Чтобы узнать более подробную информацию о наших изделий из стекла или найти поставщиков декоративного стекла стекла производителей строительных и, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами: www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Come scegliere il vetro colorato e vetro riflettente?
Vetro colorato e vetro riflettente hanno stessi colori: bronzo, verde, grigio, blu, a volte rosa e oro colore disponibile. Entrambi sono ampiamente usati per finestre, porte e facciate continue. Lo spessore e le dimensioni standard sono anche lo stesso. Quindi qual è la differenza tra loro e come sceglierli per i vostri progetti?
Vetro colorato vetro assorbente di calore, vetro riflettente è vetro di riflessione del calore. Come il nome chiamato, la loro differenza sono ovviamente come qui sotto:
1. superficie - colorato il vetro è vetro trasparente. Vetro riflettente ha uno strato di ossido di metallo su un lato del vetro. Quindi, su questo lato si ottiene una finitura a specchio.
2. luce trasmittanza-colorato vetro permette trasmissione più leggera nella costruzione
3. trasmittanza - vetro riflettente di calore ha contribuito a ridurre la trasmittanza termica, è anche un vetro a risparmio energetico
4. colori - vetri scuri disponibile solo su quei colori principali, ma vetro riflettente può essere prodotto metodo on-line o off-line. Mediante la tecnica off-line, possiamo regolare lo strato di metallo a molti colori. Ma in questo metodo, lo strato di ossido di metallo non è molto durevole.
Per conoscere più particolari dei nostri prodotti di vetro, o trovare produttori e fornitori di vetro decorativo di vetro da costruzione, vi preghiamo di contattarci: www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Làm thế nào để chọn thủy tinh màu và phản chiếu kính?
Thủy tinh màu kính phản quang có cùng một màu sắc: đồng, màu xanh lá cây, màu xám, màu xanh, đôi khi màu sắc vàng và hồng. Cả hai người trong số họ được sử dụng rộng rãi cho các cửa sổ, cửa ra vào và rèm tường. Độ dày và kích thước tiêu chuẩn cũng là như vậy. Vì vậy, sự khác biệt giữa họ, và làm thế nào để chọn chúng cho các dự án của bạn là gì?
Thủy tinh màu hấp thụ nhiệt thủy tinh, kính phản xạ nhiệt phản ánh thủy tinh. Như tên gọi, sự khác biệt của họ là rõ ràng như dưới đây:
1. bề mặt màu kính là kính trong suốt. Kính phản xạ có một lớp ôxít kim loại trên một mặt của thủy tinh. Vì vậy, trên mặt này, chúng tôi nhận được một kết thúc nhân bản.
2. ánh sáng truyền màu kính cho phép nhiều ánh sáng truyền vào trong tòa nhà
3. nhiệt truyền phản chiếu kính giúp giảm sự truyền nhiệt, nó cũng là một tiết kiệm kính năng lượng
4. màu sắc màu kính chỉ có trên những màu sắc chính, nhưng kính phản chiếu có thể sản xuất các phương pháp trên mạng hoặc không trực tuyến. Bởi kỹ thuật không trực tuyến, chúng tôi có thể điều chỉnh các lớp kim loại với nhiều màu sắc. Nhưng trong phương pháp này, các lớp oxit kim loại không phải là rất bền.
Để biết thêm chi tiết của các sản phẩm thủy tinh, hoặc tìm kiếm xây dựng kính thủy tinh trang trí nhà cung cấp và nhà sản xuất, xin vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi: www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Comment choisir le verre teinté et verre réfléchissant?
Verre teinté et verre réfléchissant ont les mêmes couleurs: bronze, vert, gris, bleu, parfois de couleur rose et or disponible. Deux d'entre eux sont employés couramment pour fenêtres, portes et murs-rideaux. L’épaisseur et la taille standard sont également les mêmes. Alors, quelle est la différence entre eux et comment les choisir pour vos projets?
Verre teinté verre absorbant chaleur, verre réfléchissant est chaleur réflexion. Comme le nom appelé, leur différence sont évidemment comme ci-dessous:
1. surface - teinté verre est transparent. Verre réfléchissant a une couche d’oxyde métallique sur un côté du verre. Ainsi de suite ce côté nous obtenons une finition miroir.
2. lumière transmittance teinté verre permet une transmission lumineuse plus dans le bâtiment
3. Faites chauffer la transmittance - verre réfléchissant a contribué à réduire la transmission de la chaleur, c’est aussi un verre d’économie d’énergie
4. couleurs - vitres teintées disponible uniquement sur les couleurs principales, mais verre réfléchissant peut être produite méthode on-line ou off-line. Par la technique hors ligne, nous pouvons ajuster la couche métallique à beaucoup de couleurs. Mais dans cette méthode, la couche d’oxyde métallique n’est pas très durable.
Pour connaître plus de détails sur nos produits en verre, ou des conclusions construction fabricants et fournisseurs de verre en verre décoratif, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous: www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Wie, getönte Scheiben und reflektierendes Glas zu wählen?
Getöntes Glas und reflektierendes Glas haben gleiche Farben: Bronze, grün, grau, blau, manchmal rosa und gold Farben lieferbar. Beide sind weit verbreitet für Fenster, Türen und Fassaden. Die Dicke und die standard-Größe sind auch die gleichen. Also was ist der Unterschied zwischen ihnen und Gewusst wie: Wählen sie für Ihre Projekte?
Getöntes Glas ist Wärme absorbierenden Glas, reflektierendes Glas ist Hitze Reflexion Glas. Wie der Name aufgerufen, ihren Unterschied sind natürlich wie folgt:
(1) Oberfläche - getöntem Glas ist transparentes Glas. Reflektierendes Glas hat eine Metall-Oxid-Schicht auf einer Seite des Glases. Auf dieser Seite bekommen wir den Spiegelglanz.
2. Licht Transmission-getöntem Glas ermöglicht mehr Lichtdurchlässigkeit in das Gebäude
3. Wärme Transmission - reflektierendes Glas dazu beigetragen, die Wärme-Durchlässigkeit zu reduzieren, ist es auch eine energiesparende Glas
4. Farben getönten Glas nur auf die Hauptfarben erhältlich kann, reflektierendes Glas jedoch produzierten Online- oder Offline-Methode. Durch die Offline-Technik passen wir die Metallschicht in vielen Farben. Aber bei dieser Methode ist die Metall-Oxid-Schicht nicht sehr haltbar.
Um weitere Details unserer Glasprodukte oder Gebäude Glas dekoratives Glas Lieferanten und Herstellern suchen, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns: www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
¿Cómo elegir los cristales tintados y vidrio reflexivo?
Vidrio teñido y vidrio reflectante colores: bronce, verde, gris, azul, a veces color de rosado y oro disponible. Ambos son ampliamente utilizados para ventanas, puertas y muros cortina. El grosor y tamaño estándar son también los mismos. Así que ¿cuál es la diferencia entre ellos y cómo elegir para tus proyectos?
Vidrios polarizados de vidrio absorbente de calor, cristal es vidrio de reflexión del calor. Como el nombre, su diferencia son obviamente como abajo:
1. superficie teñida de vidrio es de cristal. Vidrio reflexivo tiene una capa de óxido de metal en un lado del vidrio. Tan en este lado conseguimos un acabado de espejo.
2. luz transmitancia teñido vidrio permite mayor transmisión de luz en el edificio
3. transmitancia - vidrio reflexivo del calor ayuda a reducir la transmisión de calor, también es un ahorro de vidrio
4. colores tinte cristal sólo disponible en los colores principales, pero vidrio reflexivo puede ser producido método on-line u off-line. Por la técnica off-line, podemos ajustar la capa de metal para muchos colores. Pero en este método, la capa de óxido de metal no es muy durable.
Para saber más detalles de nuestros productos de vidrio, o encontrar fabricantes y proveedores de vidrio decorativo de vidrio del edificio, por favor contacte con nosotros: www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
What's the requirements should comply with glass handling?
1. Before handling the glass, you should check whether there is any crack in the glass, especially pay attention to the cleft, confirm it is good condition with carried.
2. Handle the glass with gloves or cloth, paper on glass to separate glass with the exposed part of the body. If the number is large, the glass should be boxed before handling. Glass should upright in the box and the bottom and surrounded by plastic film or other soft items. Two or more people carry a larger heavier glass crates, should keep same speed and take care of each other.
3. For the hidden frame curtain walls, if the glass and aluminum frame is bonded in the workshop, should wait the structure cavity cured before handling. The hidden frame facade glass are normally produced by 8mm+8mm low e insulated glass curtain wall or 6mm+6mm low e insulated glass facade.
4. If the curtain wall glass size is too large, should use a special lifting equipment for handling.
5. When the wind is at or above level 5, it is difficult to control the glass, should stop handling and installation of the glass.
If you have any questions about glass, please fell free to contact us.
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
2. Handle the glass with gloves or cloth, paper on glass to separate glass with the exposed part of the body. If the number is large, the glass should be boxed before handling. Glass should upright in the box and the bottom and surrounded by plastic film or other soft items. Two or more people carry a larger heavier glass crates, should keep same speed and take care of each other.
3. For the hidden frame curtain walls, if the glass and aluminum frame is bonded in the workshop, should wait the structure cavity cured before handling. The hidden frame facade glass are normally produced by 8mm+8mm low e insulated glass curtain wall or 6mm+6mm low e insulated glass facade.
4. If the curtain wall glass size is too large, should use a special lifting equipment for handling.
5. When the wind is at or above level 5, it is difficult to control the glass, should stop handling and installation of the glass.
If you have any questions about glass, please fell free to contact us.
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
What's the cleaning methods for frosted glass doors?
The kitchen or bathroom are installed with frosted glass door(nomally in 10mm-12mm frosted glass door, sometimes use 8mm frosted glass to produce glass door) in many people's home, do you know how to clean the frosted glass door?
First, Daily cleaning
1. Modulation glass cleaner (1: 50-1: 80)
2. Soaked the applicator in the bucket of detergent, squeezed to the semi-dry and coated to the glass from top to bottom and left to right.
3. Scratch with a scraper in order with uniform speed to avoid pause or heavy scratch.
4. Each time should wipe the scraper with a rag.
5. Clean the edge of the window frame and wipe the water on the floor.
6. After using the tools, put the tools to tool box.
Note: Each time scratch, should overlap 5-10 cm with last scratch. On scraper, the plastic tape should be 1 cm longer than the stainless steel sleeve.When scraping the scraper blade can not be less than 30 degrees or higher than 75 degrees (45 degrees is appropriate).
Second, some stubborn stains method
1. Slight stains and finger marks, can remove with same amount of vinegar and water.
2. More solid traces, such as cosmetics or toothpaste left in the mirror or glass, can use special glass cleaning detergent to remove.
3. Pattern glass and carving glass can use soft brush to clean. The printing on Newspapers contain solvents, can use to remove stains on the window.
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
First, Daily cleaning
1. Modulation glass cleaner (1: 50-1: 80)
2. Soaked the applicator in the bucket of detergent, squeezed to the semi-dry and coated to the glass from top to bottom and left to right.
3. Scratch with a scraper in order with uniform speed to avoid pause or heavy scratch.
4. Each time should wipe the scraper with a rag.
5. Clean the edge of the window frame and wipe the water on the floor.
6. After using the tools, put the tools to tool box.
Note: Each time scratch, should overlap 5-10 cm with last scratch. On scraper, the plastic tape should be 1 cm longer than the stainless steel sleeve.When scraping the scraper blade can not be less than 30 degrees or higher than 75 degrees (45 degrees is appropriate).
Second, some stubborn stains method
1. Slight stains and finger marks, can remove with same amount of vinegar and water.
2. More solid traces, such as cosmetics or toothpaste left in the mirror or glass, can use special glass cleaning detergent to remove.
3. Pattern glass and carving glass can use soft brush to clean. The printing on Newspapers contain solvents, can use to remove stains on the window.
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
How to clean bathroom door glass?
Glass door is very popular, especially the bathroom door. Most people choose the glass, because transparent glass doors make people feel good. We normally use 8mm tempered glass 10mm tempered glass and 12mm tempered glass to produce shower door glass.
1.If the bathroom glass door with yellow scale, need to use a special detergent sprayed on the glass, and then take a dry cotton cloth gently wipe, the stains can easily remove .
2.If the scale form after a very long time, it is more difficult to remove. To deal with this stubborn dirt can make cleaners. Mixed vinegar and salt and then wipe the glass door.
3.Clean bathroom door by waste news papers, because the newspaper is ink printing and ink has the ability to absorb dirt, wipe the glass door can be easily removed.
4.To buy a scraping glass tool for cleaning up, because scraping glass tool has a variety of lengths to choose from, more convenient and long time for usage particularly more affordable in the long run.
5.People clean up the toilet by cleansing toilet, the cleaning toilet also can be one method to clean bathroom door glass. But need to pay attention that it is with heavy corrosive, and better to wire clean gloves. Remember to clean with water to avoid bad smell.
6.People use toothpaste to brush teeth and there will always some toothpaste left in the tube. Cut the pipe at the end with scissors and use the remaining toothpaste. Coated the glass with toothpaste, sprinkle with water, and clean with cotton and then do not forget to rinse again with warm water!
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
1.If the bathroom glass door with yellow scale, need to use a special detergent sprayed on the glass, and then take a dry cotton cloth gently wipe, the stains can easily remove .
2.If the scale form after a very long time, it is more difficult to remove. To deal with this stubborn dirt can make cleaners. Mixed vinegar and salt and then wipe the glass door.
3.Clean bathroom door by waste news papers, because the newspaper is ink printing and ink has the ability to absorb dirt, wipe the glass door can be easily removed.
4.To buy a scraping glass tool for cleaning up, because scraping glass tool has a variety of lengths to choose from, more convenient and long time for usage particularly more affordable in the long run.
5.People clean up the toilet by cleansing toilet, the cleaning toilet also can be one method to clean bathroom door glass. But need to pay attention that it is with heavy corrosive, and better to wire clean gloves. Remember to clean with water to avoid bad smell.
6.People use toothpaste to brush teeth and there will always some toothpaste left in the tube. Cut the pipe at the end with scissors and use the remaining toothpaste. Coated the glass with toothpaste, sprinkle with water, and clean with cotton and then do not forget to rinse again with warm water!
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
How to maintenance insulating glass sliding door?
Due to insulated glass have good sound insulation, heat insulation, energy saving and other characteristics, many sliding doors are made by insulated glass. For hollow glass sliding door, the daily maintenance are very important.
1.Regularly clean the hollow glass door by a soft cloth with water or neutral detergent. Do not use ordinary soap, detergent, decontamination powder, toilet soap and other strong acid and alkali for cleaning.
2.Do not use sandpaper, wire brush or other abrasive cleaning materials used in the cleaning process. Need to use clean water, especially area with cracks or dirt, but also scrub with a soft cloth stained with alcohol.
3.Regular cleaning of the slide groove to keep the sliding door opening and closing smooth
After finishing the stain, then dry rub. Do not use water scouring. Eradicate the appearance of the subtle scratches, dip soft cloth in a small number of toothpaste for repeated scrubbing and no waxing is required.
Shenzhen Sun Global Glass co ltd not only use insulated glass to produce glass door, but also use silk screen tempered glass 8mm-10mm, frosted tempered glass 8mm-10mm, clear tempered glass 8mm-10mm to manufacture glass door. Our glass are produced under ISO9001 quality standard and have passed CE EN12150 safety glass quality for European market.
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
1.Regularly clean the hollow glass door by a soft cloth with water or neutral detergent. Do not use ordinary soap, detergent, decontamination powder, toilet soap and other strong acid and alkali for cleaning.
2.Do not use sandpaper, wire brush or other abrasive cleaning materials used in the cleaning process. Need to use clean water, especially area with cracks or dirt, but also scrub with a soft cloth stained with alcohol.
3.Regular cleaning of the slide groove to keep the sliding door opening and closing smooth
After finishing the stain, then dry rub. Do not use water scouring. Eradicate the appearance of the subtle scratches, dip soft cloth in a small number of toothpaste for repeated scrubbing and no waxing is required.
Shenzhen Sun Global Glass co ltd not only use insulated glass to produce glass door, but also use silk screen tempered glass 8mm-10mm, frosted tempered glass 8mm-10mm, clear tempered glass 8mm-10mm to manufacture glass door. Our glass are produced under ISO9001 quality standard and have passed CE EN12150 safety glass quality for European market.
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
What’s the advantages of aluminum frame glass door?
Glass door with aluminum alloy frame. Aluminum alloy glass doors can be used as interior doors, closet doors, cabinet doors, partition doors. Aluminum frame glass door frame solid, good stability, through the glass can see the case of the inside of cabinet, very convenient to use. The aluminum frame glass door nomally use 8mm tempered glass, 10mm tempered glass, 12mm tempered glass.
Brief Introduction of Aluminum Frame Glass Door
Aluminum frame glass door is the use of aluminum and glass door products, it can be designed to be larger, as the interior doors and partition doors. Also Can be designed smaller, as the cabinet door, bookcase door, wine cabinet door. Small aluminum frame glass door can be smaller than the aluminum frame glass window.
The material of Aluminum frame is aluminum, which is the most preventive non-ferrous metals to use in building. Aluminum alloy is not an ordinary metal, it is an alloy metal. The most prominent advantage is corrosion, unlike ordinary metals that are vulnerable to erosion by water molecules.
Aluminum frame glass door advantages
1, Because the aluminum frame glass door using aluminum alloy, so its weight will be lighter than other metal glass doors. Aluminum alloy is a light quality, but high-strength high-quality alloy, the use is not easy to damage, deformation with long service life.
2, aluminum frame glass door has a strong anti-corrosive, humid environment will not let it rust, so often used in the kitchen, as the use of cabinet doors.
3, aluminum frame glass door is easy to clean, with water on the line easy to clean. If the oil is heavier, you can use cleaners. Because of its good corrosion resistance, do not worry about the detergent in the chemicals cause damage to it.
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Brief Introduction of Aluminum Frame Glass Door
Aluminum frame glass door is the use of aluminum and glass door products, it can be designed to be larger, as the interior doors and partition doors. Also Can be designed smaller, as the cabinet door, bookcase door, wine cabinet door. Small aluminum frame glass door can be smaller than the aluminum frame glass window.
The material of Aluminum frame is aluminum, which is the most preventive non-ferrous metals to use in building. Aluminum alloy is not an ordinary metal, it is an alloy metal. The most prominent advantage is corrosion, unlike ordinary metals that are vulnerable to erosion by water molecules.
Aluminum frame glass door advantages
1, Because the aluminum frame glass door using aluminum alloy, so its weight will be lighter than other metal glass doors. Aluminum alloy is a light quality, but high-strength high-quality alloy, the use is not easy to damage, deformation with long service life.
2, aluminum frame glass door has a strong anti-corrosive, humid environment will not let it rust, so often used in the kitchen, as the use of cabinet doors.
3, aluminum frame glass door is easy to clean, with water on the line easy to clean. If the oil is heavier, you can use cleaners. Because of its good corrosion resistance, do not worry about the detergent in the chemicals cause damage to it.
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
What are the characteristics of toughened glass bathroom cabinet?
Toughened glass bathroom cabinet is a popular bathroom cabinet in recent years, because of its beautiful, stylish and diverse, moisture-proof environmental protection. Tempered glass counters are generally tempered glass.
1.Easy to clean, good strength and hardness
Toughened glass bathroom cabinet has all the characteristics of the glass. Because the glass is airtight, strength and hardness are relatively high, it will not work with the biological, so use a wide range of glass is generally insoluble in acid, but soluble in alkali. Decorative glass with wear-resistant, anti-erosion, easy to clean features.
2.Fragile and intolerance with high temperature
Like many glass products, fragile and not withstand high temperature, the current market for bathroom glass thickness is generally 19mm tempered glass, 15mm tempered glass and 12mm tempered glass, etc. Experts suggest that if economic conditions permit, the best choice for 19mm bathroom glass thickness of the product, because it can Resistant to 80℃ temperature, impact resistance and resistance to damage is also relatively good.
3.High cost and expensive
At the same time, because the bathroom cabinet glass from the process to the design are with higher costs, so the price is relatively expensive.
Sun Global Glass best quality tempered glass for bathroom cabinet.
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
1.Easy to clean, good strength and hardness
Toughened glass bathroom cabinet has all the characteristics of the glass. Because the glass is airtight, strength and hardness are relatively high, it will not work with the biological, so use a wide range of glass is generally insoluble in acid, but soluble in alkali. Decorative glass with wear-resistant, anti-erosion, easy to clean features.
2.Fragile and intolerance with high temperature
Like many glass products, fragile and not withstand high temperature, the current market for bathroom glass thickness is generally 19mm tempered glass, 15mm tempered glass and 12mm tempered glass, etc. Experts suggest that if economic conditions permit, the best choice for 19mm bathroom glass thickness of the product, because it can Resistant to 80℃ temperature, impact resistance and resistance to damage is also relatively good.
3.High cost and expensive
At the same time, because the bathroom cabinet glass from the process to the design are with higher costs, so the price is relatively expensive.
Sun Global Glass best quality tempered glass for bathroom cabinet.
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
What’s chemical toughened glass process?
Chemical toughened glass - Ion exchange method
The ordinary flat glass or float glass through the ion exchange method, the glass surface composition changes, the glass surface to form a layer of compressive stress layer processing (surface ion exchange).
1.Chemical enhanced glass/ is close to physical reinforced glass, good thermal stability, low processing temperature, not easily deformed, and its products are not limited by thickness and geometry shape. The equipment is simple and the products are easy to realize.
2.bending strength is 3 to 5 times the ordinary glass, impact strength is 5 to 10 times the normal glass.
Compared with physical tempered glass:
1. Long production time (exchange time up to several hours)
2. Low efficiency and high production costs (molten salt can not be recycled and high purity requirements)
3. Debris and ordinary glass is similar, security is poor
4. Unstable performance (poor chemical stability)
5. Mechanical strength and impact strength and other physical properties easy to subside (also known as relaxation) and the intensity decays rapidly at any time
Chemical toughened glass is widely used in different thickness of flat glass, thin-wall glass and can also be used for fire-resistant glass. Especially for enhancing the ultra-thin, small size or complex shape of glass products, glass ion exchange treatment will not produce significant optical deformation.
Srouce from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
The ordinary flat glass or float glass through the ion exchange method, the glass surface composition changes, the glass surface to form a layer of compressive stress layer processing (surface ion exchange).
1.Chemical enhanced glass/ is close to physical reinforced glass, good thermal stability, low processing temperature, not easily deformed, and its products are not limited by thickness and geometry shape. The equipment is simple and the products are easy to realize.
2.bending strength is 3 to 5 times the ordinary glass, impact strength is 5 to 10 times the normal glass.
Compared with physical tempered glass:
1. Long production time (exchange time up to several hours)
2. Low efficiency and high production costs (molten salt can not be recycled and high purity requirements)
3. Debris and ordinary glass is similar, security is poor
4. Unstable performance (poor chemical stability)
5. Mechanical strength and impact strength and other physical properties easy to subside (also known as relaxation) and the intensity decays rapidly at any time
Chemical toughened glass is widely used in different thickness of flat glass, thin-wall glass and can also be used for fire-resistant glass. Especially for enhancing the ultra-thin, small size or complex shape of glass products, glass ion exchange treatment will not produce significant optical deformation.
Srouce from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
SUN GLOBAL GLASS attend 2016 Vietnam International Glass Technology Exhibition
Venue: Ho Chi Minh City
Hall Name: Ho Chi Minh City Saigon International Exhibition and Convention Center
Exhibition time: November 24, 2016
Closing time: November 26, 2016
Organizer: Singapore CEMS Exhibition Conference Service Company
Exhibition Type: International Exhibition Exhibition
Glasstech Asia is the most professional and large-scale glass exhibition in Southeast Asia. It enjoys the reputation of "Southeast Asia Glass Center", which is an event that enables the industry to understand glass raw materials, glass manufacturing, cold end processing and product molding. A platform to enter this growing market in Southeast Asia. Glasstech Asia held an annual event in South East Asia, where Glasstech Asia 2015 was successfully held in Jakarta, Indonesia, attracting 236 exhibitors and a total of over 10,000 visitors visited the three-day event. The 14th exhibition is held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Shenzhen Sun Global Glass CO LTD as a important building glass manufacturers in China, have attended 2016 Glasstech Asia expo in Vietnam and the booth number is B16. Our main products include float glass, tempered glass, laminated glass, insulated glass, patterned glass etc.
Warmly welcome to visit our booth, we will solve all your concerns on glass. Our team in expo include sales representatives, senior technical support, shipping agency and general manager etc.
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
Hall Name: Ho Chi Minh City Saigon International Exhibition and Convention Center
Exhibition time: November 24, 2016
Closing time: November 26, 2016
Organizer: Singapore CEMS Exhibition Conference Service Company
Exhibition Type: International Exhibition Exhibition
Glasstech Asia is the most professional and large-scale glass exhibition in Southeast Asia. It enjoys the reputation of "Southeast Asia Glass Center", which is an event that enables the industry to understand glass raw materials, glass manufacturing, cold end processing and product molding. A platform to enter this growing market in Southeast Asia. Glasstech Asia held an annual event in South East Asia, where Glasstech Asia 2015 was successfully held in Jakarta, Indonesia, attracting 236 exhibitors and a total of over 10,000 visitors visited the three-day event. The 14th exhibition is held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Shenzhen Sun Global Glass CO LTD as a important building glass manufacturers in China, have attended 2016 Glasstech Asia expo in Vietnam and the booth number is B16. Our main products include float glass, tempered glass, laminated glass, insulated glass, patterned glass etc.
Warmly welcome to visit our booth, we will solve all your concerns on glass. Our team in expo include sales representatives, senior technical support, shipping agency and general manager etc.
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com
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